This is album number seven for one of the Uk’s finest prog/metal bands who never fail to deliver. For some bands, you find yourself skipping tracks when playing their album, but I never do that with Haken. There is not a dull wasted moment in any of their releases, and this very well could be their best yet.
Taurus gets things moving nicely with their trademark down and deep riffage as well as beautiful vocals and melodies. Nightingale is one of may favourite tunes of the year. It has some old school Prog vibes welded to modern heaviness that twists and changes like a chameleon throughout the song. Epic stuff! The Alphabet Of Me follows and starts with a pop vibe and vocal which changes quickly into a world music/funk groove that Peter Gabriel would be proud of, before the crunch takes over. All of that is in the first minute and thirty seconds of the song. There are enough ideas on this album that would keep more mere mortal bands in supply for albums.
Sempiternal Beings is a thing of joy. It had a beautiful first section, then a wicked groove is added and then the guitars, building layers is the key to this song. Beneath The White Rainbow is my favourite track. An epic odd time riffage opens up the piece, then a melancholic vocal is added before maximum crunch returns. I love the groove and swing to this one. The bass and groove to Islands In The Clouds is a delight, just like the whole record.
Lovebite has a phrenetic beginning that slips right into a smooth jazz/pop section before the heavy returns. Elephants Never Forget reminds me a tad of Queen with its majestic intro before entering into Zappaville. It is one of the more epic tracks on the album. We close out the album with Eyes Of Ebony, probably the most chill tune on the album and if I was the one to pick a single off the record, then this would be it. It is a huge sprawling masterpiece that takes you on a ride through varying musical styles.
A superb record.
10/10 from The Grooveman.