This is a very classy and well-produced AOR masterpiece, recorded and put out in ’89. At the time the relevant music press were falling over themselves to heap praise on Diving For Pearls and comparing them to Journey. Yet, for all the good vibes they were getting it didn’t translate into sales, and other than their second album that didn’t come out till 2005, that was it for the band.
The lead off single Gimme Your Good Lovin’ did quite well in the US, reaching #50 in the Billboard chart and is probably the best thing the band put out. It’s a killer tune and my personal favourite from the album. Other notable tracks are Never On Monday where the band up the tempo somewhat to deliver a melodic gem; You’re All I Know which is a very similar tune but with a hook and chorus to die for; Keep Your Love Alive which reminds me of It Bites with a great pop/rock groove; and lastly, the killer album closer The Girl Can’t Stop It.
Hats off to David Prater for a crystal clear production that really brings out the best in the music. Great band that should have done so much more.
8.5/10 from The Grooveman.