Hailing from Toronto, this is the band’s 9th studio album and continues their stripped down rock/punk sound. There are no surprises here as it’s a tried and trusted formula: short, sharp, and to the point – no frills rock n roll with attitude.
First track in, I’m In A Band, pretty much sums Danko Jones perfectly – he just wants to play the music. I spoke to him at a gig (I think it was the Mod Club) and he was a really down to earth guy and was surprised I knew who he was. Stand out tracks for me are Dance, Dance, Dance, which has a really cool groove and a god sing a long chorus, Fists Up High, which starts with a nice riff and a great choppy groove, and also Burn In Hell, which is the fastest song on the record and has Danko channeling his inner Phil Lynott – certain tones in his voice remind me so much of Phil.
If stripped back rock n roll is your thing, then this could be for you.
8/10 from The Grooveman.