This is Bruce’s first solo album, which he recorded whilst he was still a member of Iron Maiden (he left leave in ’93). I think the idea was to record a rock album in the classic sense, avoiding areas that he was familiar with. I think this is my favourite of his solo releases as he was just being himself. Ironically, future Maiden guitarist Jannick Gers, was recruited on guitar.
It’s all quite one paced groove-wise with Bruce’s humour present throughout the record. Check out the intro to Dive Dive Dive with his mention of Seaman Stains. Tattooed Millionaire was a hit single and I would say it’s the most commercial sounding track on the album. A lot of his vocals have a more gravelly tone to them I guess to separate more from Maiden. There is a decent cover of Mott The Hoople’s All The Young Dudes, but it’s the close out track No Lies which is my favourite on the album. I really like the up-tempo groove and the melody and hook are great.
8.5/10 from The Grooveman.