I was listening to a blog from Dan (@vinylrecordsoftheday), about how we heap praise on records “that should have been huge” but we are actually looking back with rose tinted glasses on a time that has passed that we love so much. Now, I’m guilty of that. I was thinking of ways to not use that phrase so much when describing a killer record that may have been overlooked when this absolute gem popped up.   

Now, if there was ever a record that the phrase “shoulda, coulda, woulda” applies to, this is it. Originally released in ’92 on Giant records right at the height of grunge, everything was against this record, and kudos for the label releasing it. This is one of the best melodic rock records you will hear.

Every song is a gem and you will be singing along like a crazy person whilst you do the ironing and other daily chores. So many killer tracks here it’s really hard to pick a favourite but pick I must, and Doin’ The Dance is today’s choice. A superb, slightly funky groove with an awesome hook and chorus. I love David Reece’s voice and he was too good for Accept.

This is a hard one to find but I urge you to snag a copy ASAP.

10/10 from The Grooveman.