This is Anvil’s third album, released back in ’83. Now, Metal On Metal was a huge leap from Hard And Heavy, both in songwriting and sound, and gave the band huge popularity. I just think Forged In Fire is just a greater leap forward from Metal On Metal. The whole metal scene was changing rapidly at the time and let’s not forget Anvil were right at the forefront. Metal was getting faster and darker with the burgeoning thrash movement.
The title track opens up the album and it’s quite a dark sounding track announcing the arrival of a new sounding band. Shadow Zone is a full on burst of thrash goodness with a killer over the top solo (I promise not to mention Ted Nugent..oops). I love the intro to Free As The Wind. The song itself has a hint of NWOBHM about it with its the riff and groove. Great slow down for the instrumental. Never Deceive Me sees Dave Allison handle the vocals, and this is the weakest song on the album. Side 1 closes out with Butter Bust Jerky. Now musically this a killer slice of early eighties metal with an awesome riff and groove, and I guess the lyrics are aimed at the 14-year-old metal fan rubbing one out to his latest “art pamphlet”.
Side 1 explodes into life with Future Wars. A full on double kick blastorama. Killer tune!!! Hard Times Fast Ladies has a sped up old school metal riff, and I love the sound of Lips’ solo. Make It All Up To You follows, and was this an attempt at writing a single? The hook and chorus have a great sing-a-long vibe to them. I love the instrumental section, killer guitar and groove. Motormount follows and boy does this track speed along. One of the fastest songs of the time! Save the best till last they say, and Winged Assassins is my favourite track. Killer drumming from Rob Reiner and Lips is giving it plenty on the guitar.
It would be four years before they released their next album, and unless you’re Def Leppard that’s a long time, especially in the 80’s. Anyhoo, a great record and I think this was a very influential album for what came after.
9.5/10 from The Grooveman.