Straight from the bargain cosmetics counter at Boots comes Wratchild’s initial attempt to bring glam to the masses. It’s hard to believe that this came out in ’84 as I thought it was a lot later. If you take the make up and the clothes away you basically have a second generation NWOBHM band.
The production isn’t great and that was the same for a lot of the Heavy Metal Records releases, but that doesn’t dampen the band’s enthusiasm, because in their minds they are playing at the Roxy on the Sunset Strip. It’s just a fun record that puts a smile on your face. There are a couple of tracks that I really like. The opener Stakk Attakk is everything that these guys are all about, a great uptempo rocker with a buzz saw guitar and a super catchy hook and chorus. Also, my personal favourite,Tonite. With a Gary Glitter-style chorus, handclaps, and all the glam you could want.
Imagine them doing this in a pub with all the flashbombs and glitter. That’s exactly what they did; completely barking mad.
7.5/10 from The Grooveman.