Tag: album review (Page 75 of 470)

WRATHCHILD – Stakk Attakk

Straight from the bargain cosmetics counter at Boots comes Wratchild’s initial attempt to bring glam to the masses. It’s hard to believe that this came out in ’84 as I thought it was a lot later. If you take the make up and the clothes away you basically have a second generation NWOBHM band.

The production isn’t great and that was the same for a lot of the Heavy Metal Records releases, but that doesn’t dampen the band’s enthusiasm, because in their minds they are playing at the Roxy on the Sunset Strip. It’s just a fun record that puts a smile on your face. There are a couple of tracks that I really like. The opener Stakk Attakk is everything that these guys are all about, a great uptempo rocker with a buzz saw guitar and a super catchy hook and chorus. Also, my personal favourite,Tonite. With a Gary Glitter-style chorus, handclaps, and all the glam you could want.

Imagine them doing this in a pub with all the flashbombs and glitter. That’s exactly what they did; completely barking mad.

7.5/10 from The Grooveman.

MICK MARS – The Other Side Of Mars

Now, I like to spend a bit more time with an album before I make a comment about it, and I have only had this one for three days. However, playing by my own rules, here we go.

I was not sure what I was expecting. Mick is a 70’s influenced player and didn’t know if he would go back to those roots or do something way left of centre. Well, I’d say that’s a no to both. The vibe and production are quite modern, that is1 the easiest path to take. It definitely does not sound like Motley Crüe, and that is a good thing.

I really liked the album on the first few listens. It’s very song orientated and even the slower tracks like Alone are really strong, giving extra dimension and groove to what is essentially a power ballad. Killing Breed is a song that would never have existed in his previous ensemble. This is such a deep and heavy song both musically and vocally. I don’t mean in a fast speedy way, but sonically and subject wise.

It’s quite easy for songs like Loyal To The Lie, Right Side Of Wrong, or Ain’t Going Back because they have that heavy riff and catchy groove that immediately hits home, but I find myself drawn to Killing Breed as my favourite as it’s the song that is most full of surprises. Also, I really dig the instrumental track LA Noir as I think it shows the real Mick.

A very enjoyable record.

8.5/10 from The Grooveman.

Sargant Fury – Still Want More

I don’t know a lot about these guys other than the fact that they were from Germany, apart from vocalist Andrew Mc Dermott who was a Brit and sang for the Prog metallers, Threshold later in his career. Sadly, Andrew died in 2011.

As far as I’m aware, there were just three albums by the band and the one we have here is their debut, and what a debut it is. Great songs with a killer production, huge guitars, and Andy sings up a a storm. This is melodic hard rock at its best.

Stand outs are Still You Want More, which opens up the album. It is a superb uptempo rocker with a huge riff and chorus. Then there is Mind Games, a four to the floor groover that really hits the spot. Next there is Me, which has a great NWOBHM spirit and vibe and a great melody line. Lastly, my personal favourite Do You Remember, with a killer guitar sound and a great hook and chorus.

This is such a good album that should have launched their careers, but I guess they were another casualty of the great grunge unpleasantness.

9/10 from The Grooveman.

ART OF ANARCHY – Let There Be Anarchy

The name Art of Anarchy is very similar in name to Sons Of Apollo. I guess Mr. Soto and Mr. Bumblefoot wanted to carry on with that Prog metal groove with this new project, seeing as MP is back in DT.

We have a very heavy and pounding opening with Die Hard. Double kicks speeding away with some very tasty drop tuned riffage, courtesy of Bumblefoot and one John Votta, whose brother, Vince is providing the pound, and of course Jeff is singing his ass off. It is very reminiscent of SOP. That heavy pounding groove continues with the intro to Echo Your Madness. It has a very catchy riff, melody line, and hook from Jeff. Vilified is a power ballad and we all know how powerful Jeff is at singing these type of songs.

Bridge Of Tomorrow is all about the vocal. Starting with a cool acoustic groove and adding in the power as the song proceeds, letting the vocal sit over the top. Cool song! The Side 1 close out tune Writing In The Wall is a heavy slow brooder with Jeff adding the cherry on the top again with a superb hook and melody.

Rivals opens up Side 2 with a very eerie opening, leading into a very cool riff. If I am being honest here, this feels like a JSS solo album as every song is centred around the vocal. Sure, the band is hot and killer and the riffs fly, but it does feel like that. Blind Mans Victory is basically a very cool AOR song with huge riffs and beats at peak moments. The middle and ending is a supremely heavy addition to make it feel like a different song.

I think Dying Days is my favourite, with a very heavy low down riff and that huge hook and chorus. The Good The Bad And The Insane starts just like the western movie with a similar name, before the heavy kicks in. The album ends with Disarray and a vibe very similar to Train Of Thought era DT.

My only gripe with the album is not a fault of the music but the pressing itself is soooo quiet, I’m having to crank the amp. I hope they carry on, I like this album a lot.

9/10 from The Grooveman.

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