This is the debut album from the Floridians, Axe, released back in ’79. Most of the rock world was going in a more heavy direction around this time but Axe were unleashing this pomp rock monster. By listening to these songs, they were heavily influenced by Styx on this album. They became more commercial and radio friendly around the release of Offering, but this is a bit if an underground classic in AOR circles.
I would go as far to say that Yes were an influence on the album as well, because keyboards play a prominent part throughout the album. The whole vibe around the album is very uplifting and there are none of those nasty evil chords to darken matters. Highlights for me are opener Life’s Just An Illusion, which is the best song on the album. It’s got loads of melody and vocal harmonies with a great hook and chorus.
Hang On is another great uptempo pomp monster. These guys sure know how to write a ditty. The Springsteen flavoured Back On The Streets is a close call for favourite tune and Doing The Best That I Can has a very familiar main vocal melody that I’m sure the Yardbirds used on Shapes Of Things. My only down point for the whole album is the drum sound. They sound so flat and lifeless.
Although it does sound a tad dated, it’s not a bad album at all.
8/10 from The Grooveman.