Welcome to album number twenty from Overkill. With them consistently putting out quality records, Overkill should be up there with Metallica and Anthrax as pioneers of the genre. They are still delivering great thrash records, and this album testifies to that. In fact, this is up there with the best albums they have done.
The opener and title track just melts your face. It’s full of crunch, dynamics, and a cool groove change with an epic solo, it’s as though 40 years just disappeared. This is how it goes for the whole record. Man, these guys are on fire it’s tough to pick a favourite track but I will go for Twist Of The Wick which is a full on epic thrash monster that Metallica could not conjure up today. If someone came up to me today and said what is Thrash, I would put that track on. It’s an absolute belter with lots of time changes to give the old neck a rest.
Well done Overkill, a nailed on 10/10 from the Grooveman.