Winger were always that little bit different to the rest of the melodic/hard rock community. They had that little bit of class and seemed to write more technically challenging songs while still keeping that core sense of melody and groove in place. This album is no different. It’s called Seven because well, it is their seventh album. It is another collection of very classy well written rockin’ tunes. I have to say it’s one of my favourite Winger albums from start to finish.
The lead off track Proud Desperado gets things going with a bang. Killer riff and groove played at high pace with a killer hook and melody. Heaven’s Falling is a track only Winger could write. Great groove and riff, and the vocal melody is superb. Tears Of Blood has a more traditional, heavy, simple chord riff but Kip’s vocals are awesome.
That’s Side 1 done and Resurrect Me leads off Side 2, another trademark Winger tune. The melody is so strong and the hook and chorus are huge. Voodoo Fire is a slower paced beast with an evil groove, but that vocal harmony and chorus are massive. Next up is Broken Glass and it’s ballad time. Great solo!
It’s Ok opens up Side 3 and normal service is resumed. I really like this one, the riff and groove are killer and I love the swing of the track. The heaviest song on the album is next with Stick The Knife In And Twist. This baby rolls along at a great pace with the customary huge hook and chorus with Reb ripping it on the guitar. One Light To Burn is my favourite tune. It’s got a very evil and sleazy main riff with a vocal to match with short bursts of killer geeetar!
We are onto Side 4 and Do Or Die. Another one of those Winger only tunes. Killer melody and riff with plenty of light and shade. Great tune! Time Bomb follows with a slow pounding groove and bass to match, it switches up very quickly and the vocal harmonies take over, with an added solo to die for. It All Comes Back Around closes out the record. A fitting end to a great record with an almost Prog vibe.
Well done Winger, a really fantastic album.
9/10 from The Grooveman.