Tag: album review (Page 56 of 469)


Instrumental music seems to be the Discogs randomizer’s flavour of the week.

The Aristocrats are the flag wavers of the instrumental scene and they push every envelope possible to push each other creatively. Containing three of the best musicians out there they seemingly can play anything. Guthrie Govan is the best there is on guitar, as is Marco Minneman on drums, and ditto Bryan Beller on bass, they are at their creative peak.

They have outdone themselves with this one however, it’s just incredible. Aristoclub is probably the most commercial thing they’ve ever done. Taking inspiration from Technotronic and C &C Music factory you think it would be a recipe for disaster, but instead it’s their finest hour. Massive groove courtesy of Mr. Beller on bass with Guthrie playing a stunning main harmony and just a sublime solo while Marco grooves just as hard on the drums. The band shows their sense of humour with the song titles such as Hey, Where’s My Drink Package, Sittin’ With A Duck On A Bay, and This Is Not Scrotum to name a few.

Real musicians at the top of their game making incredible music, what more could you want, and the production is superb. You have to have this.

10/10 from The Grooveman.

POLYPHIA – Renaissance

The world of heavy metal music seems to be in stagnant state as not much is coming along to give it a boost. However, the same cannot be said for the progressive metal genre as every week boundaries are being pushed, taking it to new levels.

Now, Polyphia being primarily an instrumental band, have incorporated every style you can think of to create their own little niche that they exist in. Having two incredible lead guitarists in the band in Tim Henson and Scot Lepage allow for some incredibly melodic twin guitar passages that leaves you in awe. Marry that with a ripping rhythm section, courtesy of Clay Gober on bass and Brandon Burkhalter on drums, and you have one unique band and one amazing listening experience.

I adore everything about this album and to pick a favourite track is tough but today I’m going for Nightmare. Starting quite quietly and beautiful before laying down some killer melodic guitar over what could be described as an urban groove is just stunning.

The whole album has jaw dropping moments and is worthy to be in anyone’s collection. Buy it at your earliest opportunity.

10/10 from The Grooveman.

KISS – Lick It Up

Lick It Up along with Creatures air The Night are my two favourite kiss records. After the disappointment of The Elder and problems with Ace’s addictions, Kiss were struggling and the double whammy of taking off the make up and the introduction of one Vinnie Vincent on guitar saw the band’s fortunes take a turn for the better.

Spawning two huge singles in Lick It Up and All Hells Breaking Loose, this album was winner winner chicken dinner for all involved. This is one of the only Kiss albums I can play all the way through as every song is on the money. Other than the two singles, Young And Wasted is the track I like the most and it’s one of the heaviest songs Kiss have done. Quite a simple riff with a pounding high tempo groove and a short but killer solo.

With Vinnie, Kiss found out how to rock again and if this was the only Kiss album you buy then you can’t go wrong.

9/10 from The Grooveman.

WARRIORS – The Warriors

These guys are a sort of one and they’re done band. Originally formed in Yugoslavia in ’82, they recorded a self titled EP. After a few line up changes including the introduction of Canadian guitarist Doug Platt, they again recorded a self titled album. They then relocated to Canada and again recorded “this” self titled album which was released on Attic records.

They play aor/melodic rock and I bought this purely because of the cheesy cover. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, and this album isn’t that great. I think the problem is they needed a decent producer to to help them with the songs as the some of the basic ideas are good. Also, I’m not a fan of the vocalist Niko. If you’re playing this type of music you need a singer that can pull it off and I’m afraid I find his vocal style annoying. The only track that I really like is Diana. It has a nice fat guitar sound and the groove is cool.

I would not recommend you buy this album.

5/10 from The Grooveman.

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