Tag: album review (Page 55 of 469)

PRETTY MAIDS – Sin- Decade

This is album number four from Denmark’s finest, released back in ’92. It has always amazed me how Pretty Maids weren’t bigger outside of mainland Europe. They have everything that any decent hard rockin’ band should have. Great songs, a killer sound, a frontman and vocalist that sure can sing and work a crowd, plus a rhythm section and guitar player that can really play.

This album came out in prime time grunge yet, unlike other bands of the same persuasion they carried on releasing records and never veered too far from the path. The album kicks off with Running Out, a supercharged rocker with a chain saw guitar riff that rocks your world right from the get go. Who Said Money follows and is more of a patented hair band anthem. A huge hook and chorus coupled with a hands in the air groove with a very simple riff. Nightmare In The Neighbourhood is a ballad masquerading as a killer mid tempo groover. Slow start with a lighters in the air intro then crunch, we’re off and running. Love the guitar sound and riff, man these guys sure can write a hook and chorus. Great track!

The title track is up next and after the spoken word intro it is four to the floor double kicks and killer riff city. The added keys and superb vocal and harmonies make this my favourite track. A nice, fat, low end, chugga riff opens up Come On Tough, Come On Nasty and again the hook and chorus are massive. Five years earlier a American radio would have been drooling all over this one. Raise The Flag closes out Side 1 with a blast. Melodic rock meets speed metal.

Credit Card Lover gets Side 2 underway with another melodic rock anthem. Huge hook and chorus that just sticks in your head. Know It Ain’t Easy slows the tempo down with the first proper power ballad of the album. The riff returns with Healing Touch, a massive stomp groove coupled with a massive hook and chorus, and a middle eight to die for, this is another winner. In The Flesh is the pedal all the way to the metal. Love this track and it’s a very close second to being my favourite. The album come to a close all to quickly with Please Don’t Leave Me, and if I’m honest it’s a bit of a Debbie Downer. After a selection of songs that are so good, to go out on a whimp-o-rama ballad is such a poor choice.

Apart from the last track this album kills.

9/10 from The Grooveman.


After releasing three albums, culminating in Alibi which was released back in ’85, Vandenberg were put to sleep apparently over and done while Adrian was with Whitesnake and the brief project Moon Kings. So, I was quite surprised when Adrian resurrected the band with Ronnie Romero on vocals (well, for this album anyway).

Adopting a more harder edged approach this time around, but still with a ton of melody, this is a great record that went by largely unnoticed when it appeared in 2020.  Adrian obviously picked up some influence from Mr. Coverdale as there are a couple of tunes that could have been on any Whitesnake record. Hell And High Water being one of them is drenched in that heavy soulful blues groove and Ronnie sings those songs so well. My favourite tune is Freight Train, a straight up groove rocker with a dirty killer riff and a hook and chorus to match.

A welcome return from Vandenberg with a superb production job from Bob Marlette makes this a worthy addition to the collection.

8.5/10 from The Grooveman.

PINK CREAM 69 – Games People Play

This is album number three from one of Germany’s most underrated bands, Pink Cream 69. This was also the last for singer Andi Deris before he jumped ship to join Helloween. This version came out as part of RSD a few years ago, and just to show how record companies don’t care about vinyl at all, it was released in just a hard plastic cover. I’m sure if you are a collector you will be aware of “gassing,” where over time the plastic breaks down and adheres itself to the record. Anyhoo, enough of me moaning it’s the music we are here for.

I love this album as it was sort of a transition record moving away from the hair band grooves to a more hard rock sound, and I think no other one sounds like it. Plus it contains one of their best tunes in Keep Your Eye In The Twisted. Great groove and riff and a chorus that you will be singing constantly as it just sticks in your brain. Yes, it’s my favourite tune. Face In The Mirror and Way Down run it very close however, both are killer songs and the breakdown in Way Down is superb. And, Monday Again has to be one of the heaviest tunes the band have done with double kicks pounding all the way.

Great band and a great album.

9/10 from The Grooveman.


I don’t know a whole bunch about these guys, other than the fact that they are from Michigan and released two albums in the mid eighties, of which this is the first. I think this is a self financed recording put out on a tiny boutique label, Psycho Mania. Their other claim to fame is that they appeared in The Decline Of Western Civilization Part 2 The Metal Years performing the song Crash Landing, which does not appear on this record.

They were never going to break into the big league but I love the raw in your face enthusiasm that screams out of every song. This was their shot and they are going for it. The production isn’t the best as there is way too much treble in the mix but that doesn’t stop the heavy metal crunch of David Black’s guitar shining through. The tracks the shake my tree are opener Viper’s Bite with a great ripping riff and pounding metal groove, and my favourite Headbangers which is halfway between NWOBHM and thrash.

For sure they weren’t gonna change the world but it sure puts a smile on your face, and it’s Fun with a capital “F”.

7.5/10 from The Grooveman.

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