Now, this is the Queensryche that I really liked. The harder metallic edge suited them perfectly, and the concept “proggy” stuff that came a little later left me cold. In the UK at least, they were called the US version of Iron Maiden and you can definitely hear the similarities, especially in the vocal style. Tate’s voice is incredible with so much power and range.
This album came out in ’83 and every band wanted to be a metal band, so your metal credentials had to be there and Queensryche had the full compliment. The pounding bass and drums with heavy riffs a plenty and soaring vocals combined make this EP a whole bunch of fun. It’s hard to pick a fave out of the four tracks, I’m torn between two. Queen Of The Reich is such a killer introduction to the band and is what you call a statement tune, but as I get older The Lady Wore Black is the one I go to first. It has a lot more going on musically and a very dramatic piece.
They sound nothing like this today so if you want to taste The Reich with metal in their veins, then this is for you.
8/10 from The Grooveman.