Stone Temple Pilots are a band often criticized for gate crashing and riding on the coat tails of the whole grunge movement. They were from San Diego so you could aim that at them I guess, but they were never a grunge band, just as Janes Addiction weren’t either. A lot of the press at the time also called them a one song band because of Sex Type Thing.
Now I agree that is a killer track, and one that I love. It has one of those big guitar riffs and a groove you just can’t ignore, but there are other golden nuggets lurking herein. Wicked Garden is my favourite track, as I love everything about it. The band are playing a serious groove and the that subtle guitar tone is monster. Sin starts like a Rush tune before descending into that hypnotic riff and groove. Then there is that simple, yet so effective simple riff and pounding four four to Crackerman. The hook and chorus is just fantastic on that one.
So there we go, the bands best album.
9/10 from The Grooveman.