The randomizer is on the money with this one as it only arrived a couple of days ago. Music is a funny old business – I would never have guessed that that these three would ever have made an album together. For anyone unfamiliar, its Ian Crichton on guitar (from Saga), who is one of the most underrated players around, Nigel Glockler (from Saxon) on drums, and Robert Berry on keys bass and vocals. Robert has been around forever doing solo and various projects.
For a lover of guitar, this album is a pure joy as Ian really shows his chops all over it. Style wise, I would have to put it into the Prog box as that’s where my brain is telling it goes, but there are some great vocal melodies.
Opening track, Yearning To Fly, is a wondrous tune to get things going – a super cool riff and groove, and I really like Robert’s vocal. China has an almost funky riff and groove with a superb solo. Reason To Feel Calm Again is a modern Prog gem with hints of Peter Gabriel, but that guitar really brings the heavy at times. The Upside Down has a very eighties pop vibe to it, but a lot heavier, and I love the hook and melody. Casino actually reminds me of Ian’s band Saga – it’s that close. Live Forever has a short piano and Robert vocal to introduce Side 2.
The Last Words On Earth is almost a religious experience – especially with that church organ intro, and then Mr Crichton brings the heavy with awesome guitar sound. I’m not sure if any of you have heard of Frost (I have reviewed them on here), but I’m getting big Frost vibes on this track. Skyfall is next up and what a great riff and groove! This really shakes my tree. The Battle Of A Lifetime is next and this track has everything – so many changes and styles – an awesome tune!
They say “save the best till last”, and Save The Night is my favourite track on the album. What a freaking awesome riff that is. Definite Saga vibes from this one also. I really love this track – it’s superb and one of the best new songs I’ve heard this year. Quick mention to Nigel Glockler as it’s great to see him step out from the confines of Saxon and stretch himself – he is a killer drummer.
9.5/10 from The Grooveman.