Another one of those late eighties hair metal bands that came just too late for anyone to take notice. This was another band that was snapped up by Gene Simmons for his record label. There were big rumours that some Kiss songs were written by these guys, but there were a lot of bands that could say that. They were formed in late ’85 in California and play the big rock anthems with very catchy melodies and hooks. Vocalist, Jesse Damon, has the perfect voice for the tunes.
Opening two tracks, Runnin’ On Love, and I Wanna Feel It Again are a perfect 1-2 opening to get you up and rockin’, and then the ballad rears it’s ugly head and the vibe cools down somewhat. Rebel With A Cause is next up and it’s a very slick, well polished, big rock song that would go down well live. The production is huge and is part-produced by Simmons and Paul Sabu. Touch Me is a near rip for Robert Palmer’s Addictive To Love with just enough difference to avoid a law suit. Tear Up The Night closes out Side 1 and brings the rock to add to the big chorus and hooks – definitely a winner at rock nights everywhere.
Side 2 starts with the big sleazy sing-a-long groove of Shake Me Up. Five years earlier this would have been a smash. Don’t Touch Me There is nothing special and reminds me a bit of Foreigner, but it does have a nice solo. Ballad next and record company logic of the time dictated they must exist aaannnnddd snooze! All Night Long is the penultimate track, and another power ballad. Totally pointless – a good album is being dragged down by these cop out tracks. I mean, it’s well played and everything but…You can see why this type of music faded away as it didn’t represent what the young kids were experiencing at the time. Last track, I’m On Fire tries it’s hardest to go out with a bang. The tempo is raised and the groove is good – we are back with the big hooks and melodies. Great song!!!
8/10 from The Grooveman.