I’ll admit that SAHB were a big schoolboy crush band for me, and I still revisit them often. This album wasn’t loved by the press when it came out as they were accused of taking the easy option as most of tunes are covers. All of the songs however, were played live at some point over the years and the band did add their originals. There was a few problems withe Alex’s health around this time, so this was more of a take the pressure off record.
Of the three original tracks, my favourite is Jungle Jenny which is prime SAHB with Alex giving us his best story teller lyrics. Of the covers and my favourite of the whole album is a ripping version of Love Story by Jethro Tull. Now, if you’re going to do a cover you have to blow the doors off, and indeed that is what the Harvey’s do here. Giving it the right amount of beef to add to the dramatics and Zal just rips it on the guitar. There are some other seemingly strange choices on the album, like Del Shannon’s Runaway which was a single, and a killer version of Crazy Horses by the Osmonds.
The Sensational Alex Harvey Band are one of the best live acts of their time and are greatly missed.
8/10 from The Grooveman.