I don’t know a whole bunch about these guys, other than the fact that they are from Michigan and released two albums in the mid eighties, of which this is the first. I think this is a self financed recording put out on a tiny boutique label, Psycho Mania. Their other claim to fame is that they appeared in The Decline Of Western Civilization Part 2 The Metal Years performing the song Crash Landing, which does not appear on this record.

They were never going to break into the big league but I love the raw in your face enthusiasm that screams out of every song. This was their shot and they are going for it. The production isn’t the best as there is way too much treble in the mix but that doesn’t stop the heavy metal crunch of David Black’s guitar shining through. The tracks the shake my tree are opener Viper’s Bite with a great ripping riff and pounding metal groove, and my favourite Headbangers which is halfway between NWOBHM and thrash.

For sure they weren’t gonna change the world but it sure puts a smile on your face, and it’s Fun with a capital “F”.

7.5/10 from The Grooveman.