I’m really loving the Saga vinyl reissues – especially the ones that have never been on vinyl before like Pleasure & The Pain. The record company have actually done a specific vinyl mix just for this release and it sounds incredible. This is the twelfth studio album released by the band, and I guess you could say this is mid period Saga where they started to drift in popularity somewhat. They are one of those bands that fall through the cracks when you try to categorize them, as they don’t live in a specific box. This is a very progressive album as musically its very adventurous and all over the map.
I love this album and I had the CD upon release. I love Michael Sadler’s vocals, and on the opening track, Heaven Can Wait, his tone and phrasing is superb. How Do You Feel has a very quirky groove and vibe and is a great track. Welcome To The Zoo has a more standard beat and groove, but lots of different tones and sound to the guitar and keys – great track. Where Is My Money is an instrumental and almost a dance track, with a very EDM feel to the grooves. Side 1 closes out with a reworking of a Saga classic, You’re Not Alone, and has been beefed up somewhat.
A really great version of The Beatles’ Taxman opens up Side 2, and is virtually unrecognizable from the original. You Were Made For Me is an absolute monster of a tune that starts with an off-time groove, until that huge riff kicks in. Gonna Give It To Ya is probably the most Saga sounding track on the record – well, it is if you’re more used to their earlier records. A quick mention to Ian Chricton who is the best guitarist you’ve never heard of. Fantastically Wrong follows and is an odd little number where the heavy vocal lines are separated by quirky instrumental interludes with some killer guitar. The album closes out (not quite) with the title track and it’s an odd medieval acoustic piece. There is actually a bonus track with a cover of Peter Gabriel’s Salisbury Hill.
A really good album from a band that seem to pass people by.
9/10 from The Grooveman.