“Wait a minute, this Ratt album has never been released on vinyl!” I hear you cry. And you’d be right, as this is one of the ever increasing amount of counterfeits flooding the market at the moment. The sound quality, other than being very quiet, is as good as you would expect from a rip off a CD. The cover however, is a bit of a mish mash. The front is correct but the back cover and the inner sleeve are taken from earlier Ratt albums.

Musically, I like this album. The band are only a four piece and they have moved away from that glitz and the glam sound. The album opens up with two great songs in Over The Edge and Live For Today, both of which would have made killer singles, and not what you think Ratt would do at all. Other songs that shake my tree are Breakout with its cool psyche-guitar intro, my favourite track Luv Sick with a killer riff and slight funk groove, and the killer riff and groove of So Good So Fine.

If you don’t know Ratt other than their golden years then this will be a pleasant surprise.

8/10 from The Grooveman.