Railway are a hard rock/metal band from Germany. This is album number five of the six they originally released, and it came out in ’93 through SPV. According to the band’s guitarist/vocalist, they did everything themselves with virtually no help from the label.

There are a couple of stinkers on the album (Let It Be) but otherwise it is a highly enjoyable romp through the 10 songs. Steelhorse Riding is a really great song with a fast pounding groove and killer riff to match that any band of this genre would have been proud of. The one thing that did surprise me was how good the vocal harmonies were, they lift the hooks and chorus to a high level.

I know it’s not Railway’s best effort but it has its moments, and if you see it cheap then it’s worth getting just for Steelhorse Riding.

7/10 from The Grooveman.