I have been looking for the first two Quiet Riot albums for some time. They were only released originally in Japan, and when they came up anywhere they went for big money. So a big thank you to No Remorse Records in Greece for finally putting these albums out. There is an extra bonus with this the first album, as the original three track single, Suicide Show, from ’75 is also included.
There have been a few things said in print from Randy’s mom alluding to EVH copying things from Randy’s sound, and it should be Randy getting more credit than Ed did. I think things have been well documented that Randy was at Mammoth and VH shows, and the fact that George Lynch was blown away at how good Eddie was.
This album came out in ’78, the same year as VH’s first album, and I think you will agree that the band’s are light years away from each other. The songs aren’t that good on this album – it sounds very mid-seventies. Randy does play some mean solo’s on this album for sure, and if you’re a fan of his, then I guess this is a must have. My favourite track is Get Your Kicks. The bonus track, Suicidal Show, is interesting as in reverse its Crazy Train by Ozzy, which would appear two years down the line – Randy would be unrecognizable from these recordings.
7.5/10 from The Grooveman.