I was amazed to find out that the band were formed back in ’73 by Randy Rhoads, along with Kevin Dubrow and some lunatic called Kelly Garni (who threatened to kill Dubrow). Metal Health was the third release by the band, and was recorded after the departure of Randy to Ozzy’s band. His replacement, Carlos Cavazo, was in place to record this record, and a great addition to the band he was.
The person who decided to record Slade’s Cum On Feel The Noize, was an absolute genius, as this was the perfect song to highlight Dubrow’s voice – and it’s the ultimate party anthem. Of course it was a huge hit, and the band entered the big leagues because of it. They didn’t have to rely on covers, as the original songs on the album hold up well. Slick Black Cadillac was another hit party anthem as they had the whole sing-a-long chorus thing down to a fine art. There is one duff song on the album though, and that’s Don’t Wanna Let You Go. It’s an average attempt at a ballad which is not that good.
In my opinion Side 2 is the better of the two sides, and opens with the gallop that is Breathless. It’s a decent song with a strong hook and melody, and some tasty playing from Cavazo. Next track, Run For Cover, is the best track on the album and rocks hard. It has plenty of guitar from Cavazo, and some nice double kicks from Frankie Banali. This leads into the Carlos Cavazo showcase that is Battle Axe. Back to party city with Let’s Get Crazy, and this type of song is what they do best, big riffs, big stomping drums, sing-a-long chorus, and an incendiary guitar solo. The last song is Dubrow’s tribute to Randy Rhoads’ Thunderbird.
After this album there was Condition Critical, which was ok, and then it was slowly on the downhill trajectory after that. I still find this a fun record to listen to. Is it going to change the world? Err nope. But is it going to put a smile on your face remembering the fun times? Absolutely!!!
8.5/10 from The Grooveman.