This is album number three from one of Germany’s most underrated bands, Pink Cream 69. This was also the last for singer Andi Deris before he jumped ship to join Helloween. This version came out as part of RSD a few years ago, and just to show how record companies don’t care about vinyl at all, it was released in just a hard plastic cover. I’m sure if you are a collector you will be aware of “gassing,” where over time the plastic breaks down and adheres itself to the record. Anyhoo, enough of me moaning it’s the music we are here for.

I love this album as it was sort of a transition record moving away from the hair band grooves to a more hard rock sound, and I think no other one sounds like it. Plus it contains one of their best tunes in Keep Your Eye In The Twisted. Great groove and riff and a chorus that you will be singing constantly as it just sticks in your brain. Yes, it’s my favourite tune. Face In The Mirror and Way Down run it very close however, both are killer songs and the breakdown in Way Down is superb. And, Monday Again has to be one of the heaviest tunes the band have done with double kicks pounding all the way.

Great band and a great album.

9/10 from The Grooveman.