On the face of it Letchen Grey are another one and they’re done band. This was the only EP that they managed to put out back in ’86. They were the darlings of the Sunset Strip and were down to be the next big thing, but life got in the way. Guitarist Frank Suber developed an aggressive cancer which sadly ravaged his body.
They have recently reformed and recorded a brand new album. As for this EP, you can see why it never sold that well because the songs are okay but it’s missing that killer punch to make them stand out. Plus the vocals of Robert Sykes just aren’t strong enough to carry the songs. Out of the five tracks here only two shake my tree. Sexy Sadie with its cool acoustic main riff, and the close out track No Way Out which is my favourite of the two. This song should have been the template for them to follow. A kick ass up tempo glam rocker that is very Sunset Strip.
This one is for collectors and other than the last track, you won’t play this too often.
6/10 from The Grooveman.