Released back in ’87, this was the Swiss band’s second album put out by Vertigo. Unfortunately, the two main protagonists in the band, Mark Paganini and Ralph Murthy are sadly no longer with us, both taken way too early.
This album is an enjoyable hard rockin’ romp through nine tracks ranging from the awesome to the not so. Tracks that really float my boat are the opener It’s A Long Way To The Top. What a killer way to open the record, a nice riff heavy rocker with a great hook and chorus, it’s my favourite on the album. Also One Of A Kind is a four to the floor anthem style rocker, and Hold Back is a straight up no frills rocker with a great call and repeat chorus. The song that I really don’t like is Salt Water Kisses, which sounds like a different band and should have been omitted.
Not a bad album and if you see it cheap enough then it’s definitely worth a punt.
7.5/10 from The Grooveman.