Talking of guitar instrumental albums that should have structure and meaning and not just endless random noodling…here is the latest album from Canadian instrumentalist, Nick Johnston. For those of you who are unfamiliar with his solo work, this is album number seven.

Obvious comparisons here are Joe Satriani. Nick has that same composition style where what normally would be a vocal melody within a song, the guitar creates that melody and becomes the foundation of the song. Of course, there is soloing and Nick is one hell of a player, but this is not a heavy album with deep and heavy grooves, this is a more laid back affair where you sit and listen and appreciate the intricate melodies. My favourite piece is Side 2 opener, Memento Vivere. I love the swing and groove, and the melody and main hook are just so cool, not to mention the playing is exceptional.

Great record by a killer player.

9/10 from The Grooveman.