METALLICA – 72 Seasons

It’s nearly 20 months ago that this beauty was released, and the band are still out touring on the back of it. They are the biggest metal band out there and but it seems as though it’s open season to bash them at will. I don’t get that at all, we all should be happy that they are out there still killing it. No, they are not going to make Kill Em All again or Master Of Puppets so get over it. They have grown up and moved on but I will say in 72 Seasons that have made one hell of a record.

The track that surfaced first announcing the imminent arrival of the album was Lux Aeterna, and what a freaking beast of a tune that is. A ripping riff that speeds along at a killer pace, and James giving it the beans on the vocals. I mean c’mon!!! That track alone should tell you the band are still hungry.

Sleepwalk My Life Away is prime time mid-tempo Metallica, and that intro is just superb. The close out tune Inamorta is as epic as they have ever been, bringing together all elements of the Metallica sound.

It’s always the sign of a good album when it’s still in rotation nearly two years after release.

9/10 the Grooveman.

1 Comment

  1. David Sherrard

    LOVE × 72!!!!