Whether you agree or not, Megadeth changed after the first three albums. I love the first three records because Dave was angry and he had something to prove to the metal universe: that he wasn’t just going to be a footnote in Metallica’s history. After this, they became a lot more polished and all those rough edges that I liked disappeared. This is the last great Megadeth record.
Into The Lungs Of Hell (ripping instrumental) and Set The World On Fire are just the perfect opening salvo. The pinched classical intro to STWOF is genius that opens up into this thrash classic.
Two of my favourite Megadeth tracks are on this album: In My Darkest Hour and Hook In Mouth. In My Darkest Hour is indeed dark but strangely uplifting and with that distinct vocal delivery, Mustaine snarls and spits his way through. I was never sure of what the lyrics meant but over the years I have gone with the ex-girlfriend theory.
I mention quite a lot about going out with a bang on records, leaving the listener wanting more, and Hook In Mouth does just that. Killer track that you don’t want to end and this is Dave at his lyrical best.
Classic album and if I’m pushed, this would be the one Megadeth album that is a necessity.
9.5/10 from The Grooveman.