This is the first album from Upstate New York’s finest. It’s often referred to as The Blue Garden as that is the name of the art piece on the cover. This is a 2012 reissue with a different running order and a bonus live album, Live At The Viper room. Now this band are somewhat of a guilty pleasure for me. I really like their brand of retro blues rock and this was way before it became fashionable.
The track, John Brown, is very reminiscent of Led Zeppelin with the groove and Chris Goss’ voice. Gettin’ High has a superb sleazy blues groove that just swings. Domino is the best song on this record, and I’ll stick my neck out and say it’s one of the best tracks the band ever did. It has an Iommi style riff with a pumping beat, and a fantastic melody and hook that seriously hit the spot. Kill The King is a glorious romp, and an homage to all things seventies. The live album has never been available on vinyl before, and Scott Weiland makes an appearance on Jindalee Jindalie, and there is also an incredible version of John Brown.
A great album. I do believe it’s quite hard to find on vinyl, but if you do find it, grab as it’s a wonderful record.
9/10 from The Grooveman.