This is album number two of the first trilogy of Manowar albums that I don’t think they ever bettered. Sure, they may have made better produced records but for sheer vibe, image, and attitude I don’t think you can beat those first albums.

Laugh and snigger all you want (and believe me I have), they were steadfast in their belief, “We fight to the death. To the last man. To the last breath. Death To False Metal. into Glory Ride.” I mean c’mon that has to stir the metal disciples into action right?

I love Gloves Of Metal, at the time and I still now. Manowar weren’t about speed or any of that nonsense, they wrote anthems and Gloves Of Metal is surely one of their best. I love Ross The Boss’s simple and effective riff, and you just have to pump those fists in the air when Eric Adams screams “Hands High” and “Metal Spikes and Chains.” It was their theme song to the fans.

I sought of laugh at it all now, but they sure caused a stir at the time.

8/10 from The Grooveman.