This is Vancouver’s La Chinga’s latest release, their fourth album, that popped out last year in 2023. There is something so pure and powerful about a three piece that you have to wonder, if adding more just becomes a distraction.

Five years have elapsed since the release of their previous album which included a break for COVID, and they don’t seem to have mellowed any. They are still this big, dirty, retro, rockin’ groove machine, although it doesn’t quite match the awesome that was Beyond The Sky.

Highlights for me are opener Light It Up which is La Chinga at their grooving best. A big and fat nasty riff with that drivin’ groove. Also, Stars Fall with a surprise hint of melody, and of course Motorboogie which is my favourite. A psych/stoner hard rockin beast of a tune.

So, it’s not as good as Beyond The Sky, but they still have the hunger to keep it dirty and rockin’.

7.5/10 from The Grooveman.