Lick It Up along with Creatures air The Night are my two favourite kiss records. After the disappointment of The Elder and problems with Ace’s addictions, Kiss were struggling and the double whammy of taking off the make up and the introduction of one Vinnie Vincent on guitar saw the band’s fortunes take a turn for the better.

Spawning two huge singles in Lick It Up and All Hells Breaking Loose, this album was winner winner chicken dinner for all involved. This is one of the only Kiss albums I can play all the way through as every song is on the money. Other than the two singles, Young And Wasted is the track I like the most and it’s one of the heaviest songs Kiss have done. Quite a simple riff with a pounding high tempo groove and a short but killer solo.

With Vinnie, Kiss found out how to rock again and if this was the only Kiss album you buy then you can’t go wrong.

9/10 from The Grooveman.