Mercyful Fate were a band that passed me by as I thought it was a gimmick, and I guess I never paid them much attention. Released in ’88, Them was King Diamond’s best selling album up until this point. I think this is about King Billy’s multiple personal personalities and his stay in an asylum. Fictional of course!
The vocals are so high pitched in places, I’m sure his Crown Jewels are being squeezed very tightly indeed. The music throughout this album is killer speed/power metal with an awesome guitar duo of Andy La Roque and Pete Blakk spanking their planks with aplomb. Before Mickey Dee was Motörhead’s skin basher he occupied King Billy’s drum stool, and his double kick prowess is all over this record. The Invisible Guests is a monster tune and is my favourite on the album. Killer riffs and grooves and the solos are seriously on the money. A close second is Twilight Symphony with epic riffage and grooves. A great killer metal album and as a result of me buying this gem I’ve gone back and I’m checking out other albums in King Diamond’s back cat.
9/10 from The Grooveman.