This is album release number 2 for the somewhat modern metal super group, Killer Be Killed. I went backwards with these guys because I acquired the second album first and was mightily impressed with their brand of groove-driven tunes. I do bang on about groove in metal music as I think a lot of today’s bands forsake that for noise and speed, but metal is nothing without the groove.

Dream Gone Bad has groove a plenty and the breakdown is killer, I like that hardcore crossover vibe. Left Of Center could be a Mastodon tune, especially with the main riff and groove, and obviously Troy is singing as well. Inner Calm From Outer Storms has a tribal drum groove that drives the song along and feels as though there is a double speed happening as the vocal drives to a different beat. Love the thrash explosion in the middle.

Filthy Vagabond is pure hardcore with Max Cavalera taking the lead. Epic atmospheric chugga intro to From A Crowded Wound. The Great Purge brings the heavy with loud and huge Sabbath style riffing before a cool slower section intervenes, and this is my favourite tune. Epic off time groove and riffing to Comfort From Nothing’s intro with chugga’s all the way. Animus is just a total hardcore speed blast and is my least favourite tune. Dead Limbs shows groove can exist even with the BPM increases. The album ends with Reluctant Hero, the title track of the album, and it is a metal ballad, until they remember to turn the power on.

I like this band, but I like the first album more.

8.5/10 from The Grooveman.