Same title as the album that broke them, but this is NOT that album. There are two versions of Feel The Shake, an ’87 one and another from 2007. The rest are a collection of waifs and strays that haven’t been on vinyl before.
Side 1 has a demo vibe and feel about it, and is quite raw. I find the punky sleaze vibe quite endearing and Don’t You Mess Up My Hair shows that the band has a fun sense of humour. The best song on the album is a Bullfrog Pond.
The production has gone up another notch as we go over to Side 2 and sounds huge compared to all of the tracks on Side 1, and that Aerosmith vibe suits them.
These Deadline bits and pieces albums are ok for completists, but I’m not sure any new fans will be attracted.
7/10 from The Grooveman.