If I said to you, “name a rock band from Switzerland,” nine times out of ten the answer would be Krokus. Which is kind of sad as Gotthard have way more going on musically than Krokus ever did.
This is the ninth studio album from Gotthard, released back in 2009 and would be the last before the untimely death of vocalist, Steve Lee. You can’t beat a melodic rock album when it’s written and performed as well as this, and it’s a fitting epitaph to Steve Lee. I say this a LOT, but if this album came out in ’85 this band would have been huge. I mean I even like the ballads. (WHAT!).
Need To Believe would have given Bon Jovi and Journey a run for their money. Killer track with an epic hook and chorus, with all the feels. It’s the rockin’ tracks however that we all know float my boat, and there are plenty here to grab you by the throat. Unspoken Words is a kick ass up tempo rocker with a great riff and groove. I Don’t Mind steals a little from AC/DC, but man what a great tune. My personal fave is Right From Wrong where the band show they have a heavier side with Leo Leoni riffing it up over the top of a great groove.
Great band and a great record.
9.5/10 from The Grooveman.