Welcome to the world of Golden Earring – Holland’s greatest export to the world of rock. Believe it or not, they released their first album in 1965 – that’s before Zeppelin were even a twinkle in Jimmy Page’s eye.
This live album was recorded in ’73, and is a warts and all representation of the band at that time. Everyone knows Radar Love, and you get the ultimate 12 minute blow out version here. There is no denying what a classic song it is, but there is so much more to them as a band. Tracks like She Flies On Strange Wings are a left over from the late sixties, but here it’s mixed with a hard rock blueprint and it sounds great. There is a great version of The Byrd’s Eight Mile High that is beefed up – I think it gives the original a run for its money.
Guitarist George Kooymans announced he was suffering with SLS and would be retiring. Shortly after, the band announced they were calling it a day. It’s sad when things like this happen, but they have left a great legacy of music for us all to check out.
8/10 from The Grooveman.