It’s always a good day when a new Freak Kitchen album is announced, and I have been eagerly awaiting its arrival. They are definitely one of the most inventive and original bands around, both lyrically and musically. They must be doing something right as we are now up to album number ten, and it’s more of the same I’m glad to say.  Now, that doesn’t mean it’s a carbon copy of its predecessor, it’s full of the usual twisted rhythms, odd time signatures, crunching riffs, eastern influences, and thought provoking lyrics all blended together to make wonderful Freaky music.

I was first drawn to Freak Kitchen through Matthias’ other worldly guitar wizardry and heavy grooves, and this album does not disappoint on that front. In fact, this record out grooves nearly all the others. Gravity Works, Psy Co Op, Slip, Small Acts Of Rebellion, The Expert, and Pissing Contest will have your groove muscle fully loaded and primed. There is some killer low end crunch riifage that I find irresistible, coupled with IA’s usual wizardry and Bjorn and Christer playing epic rhythms to hold it all together, this record is up there with my favourite Freaky people releases.

My favourite track? Well, today’s it’s Gravity Works. A riff and groove to die for that other bands can only dream of.

It’s been 6 years between releases and I hope we don’t have to wait too long for the next one.

10/10 from The Grooveman.