Yet another one and they’re done band. Not to be confused with the Seattle band of the same name, these guys are from Germany and are listed in the Encyclopedia Metallum as melodic speed metal, and who am I to argue with that.

Released in ’88, it’s not a bad effort actually and it reminds me of early Queensryche during their metal phase. On Guardians Of The Lost, vocalist Xavier (Harry) really reaches those Geoff Tate night notes. To show just how speedy they get on, I would class the track Last Dawning as thrash with it’s double kicks all the way. My favourite track is the band’s signature tune, Forced Entry. Great riffing and a cool guitar tone with anthemic vocals on the chorus. Great tunes!

If you’re into mid-eighties metal and you see this for cheap, then empty the coin purse and give it a try.

7.5/10 from The Grooveman.