Album number two from Denmark’s finest melodic pomp rockers. Unusually for a band in this genre, there isn’t a ballad to be seen, which gets a major plus point in my book as all the tunes rock out but with a big melodic edge. The emphasis here is on the huge hook and chorus backed up with a killer rhythm section and short sharp solos when needed.

Released in ’86 it was prime time for this style of rock, and you would have thought that American radio would have lapped this up but apparently not. The two singles that were released, Won’t Stop and Summerlove, didn’t fare that well. My favourite track is Hunter, which closes out Side 1. It has a cool guitar intro and the hook and chorus do remind of Styx with the big call and repeat.

A fun album that gives off lots of summer vibes.

8/10 from The Grooveman.