It must have been a daunting task for the band to record the follow up to the insanely successful album, The Final Countdown. They could not have known just a how mega huge that sound would have been, and it would be their meal ticket for the rest of their career. John Norum  the band’s guitarist would also jump ship and not be present for this record so new boy Kee Marcello had a ton of pressure on his shoulders for the recording.

Although, there was no mega hit single on the album I think this is a fantastic record. Lots of great tunes and some killer playing from Mr. Marcello. Superstitious is an awesome tune and to open the album with it is a master stroke. Superb riff and groove that has a great swing and the playing is off the charts. Not a bad song in sight and it’s a bonafide AOR masterpiece and just in case your wondering, it’s a better album than The Final Countdown.

9/10 from The Grooveman.