A band called Eric Steel and yet no one in the band has that name. Actually, these guys are quite good at playing some kick ass hard rock with that metal edge. The band are from Chicago and released three albums, of which this is album number two.
Now, I’m a sucker for a loud and crunchy dirty riff, and these guys have them in overload. The production is raw and loud and it captures the band perfectly. I love this record, it’s nice and simple. No hairs and graces just BAM, CRUNCH, and they’re gone. Bruce Hausfield seems to be the one calling all the shots as he’s lead vocalist and guitarist, and the dude sure can lay down the riffs. Forever Yours, After Midnight, and my favourite, Since You’ve Been Gone are great tunes. They all have the simple format of a huge fat riff and killer groove that you just can’t help rockin’ out to.
This is FUN, pure and simple.
8/10 from The Grooveman.