This is the 11th studio album by German speed metaller’s, EDGUY. I have a couple on CD, but this is the only one I have on vinyl. Led by the huge voice of Tobias Sammet, the band are virtually unknown outside of mainland Europe, which is a shame as they do what they do very well.
The opening track is what I would call typical euro-metal with an anthemic chorus and melody. The twin guitars of Jens Ludwig and Dirk Sauer are high in the mix to add that much need crunch. The album has a huge production and every song sounds epic – thanks to a killer production by Sascha Paeth. They certainly have a knack for writing catchy melodies to go with the metal grooves. Space Police is such a great song both musically and lyrically with an almost operatic ending. Defenders Of The Crown has a huge beginning, and then we are off at a Maiden-style gallop with hints of Fear Of The Dark. A more traditional melodic rock track is next with the oddly named, Love Tyger, but the melody, hook, and chorus are huge and there is a great snappy solo. The Realms Of Baba Yaga is more of a traditional metal tune with that riff. You know that stock riff that every band and his dog has used since the beginning of time, but it’s how you fill the bits around it that matter.
The oddest choice of a cover in Rock Me Amadeus is next, and honestly I don’t see the point. This version doesn’t do that much different arrangement wise from the original, apart from adding fat guitars. Meh! Do Me Like A Caveman has a great opening riff and groove, and when the song settles down is a superb pop rock ditty. Shadow Eaters is double kick pounding track and a trademark euro-metal romp. Alone In Myself is the only non-metal track and could be an entry for the Eurovision Song Contest – this also gets a Meh! The Eternal Wayfarer is the last track and weighs in at just under nine minutes, and is the big centrepiece number on the album.
Not a bad record indeed, and it scores high even taking into account the two suspect tracks.
8.5/10 from The Grooveman.