So here we have Dream Theater’s 10th studio album, and unbeknownst to everyone at the time, this would be Mike Portnoy’s last with the band. The band that he started at college, the band his father named, the band he near enough single handedly controlled he would no longer be part of. In my opinion DT have definitely missed his presence in the band as none of the albums they have released after have been up to their high standards.
So we kick things off with the absolutely epic (which DT song isn’t epic😜?) A Nightmare to Remember. Up there with the very bast DT songs. Great riffs, massive hooks, unreal solo sections and a fantastic melody – plus some unreal drumming from MP. Let me get my breath!!!!!
Next up the more straight (for DT) ahead Rites of Passage, quite Metallica-ish in places. Then we have another absolute monster, the final part of the 12 steps suite, The Shattered Fortress, which has documented MP’s battle with alcoholism. So that’s the 1st record done and only 3 songs in.
Record 2 starts with the obligatory ballad Wither and then into The Best Of Times, which MP had written about his father who was battling cancer at the time and ultimately would be taken by the disease. Final track, The Count Of Tuscany, takes up the whole of Side 4, and again in true DT style, is an absolute monster of a tune.
Hindsight being a wonderful thing, I can see why MP wanted the band to take a break after the touring cycle of this album as there was obviously a lot of personal turmoil in his life at the time. I’m sure you all know what Dream Theater are all about by now, and if you don’t own this album, the last great DT album, then you probably should.
9.5/10 from The Grooveman.