This is Circus of Power’s second album, released in 1990. It was awarded 5 K’s in Kerrang magazine. Dirty biker rock n’ roll was how they were tagged, and they certainly played to that image. I think they supported Sabbath on a tour, and that was possibly the best tour for them to be on.
The opening two tracks, Gates Of Love and Desire/ Fire In The Night is a perfect one two punch of groovy metal/stoner vibes. Two River Highway is a heavied up Southern rock ditty, with a hint of Nashville thrown in to make sure all bases are covered. You can just taste the JD. The title track follows and has a wicked riff with heavy stoner vibes. Don’t Drag Me Down has the band deep in Americana territory with a very rootsy feel. Last track on Side 1 is Last Call Rosie, and it is deep in DC territory with an infectious little toe tapper.
Side 2 kicks off with Doctor Potion. This is my favourite track and its just a straight up rocker with a simple dirty riff and groove. Los Angeles has a Butcher And Fast Eddie feel with a slow dirty blues groove. Got Hard is a simple straight up boogie with added southern vibes, and a big dose of slide. Back to the heavy biker grooves with Temptation and simple AC/DC main riff. Junkie Girl has that barroom vibe with a big dose of the south added for flavour. The album closes out with Simple Man/Simple Woman, a killer uptempo boogie and a fitting end to the album.
8/10 from The Grooveman.