Indian metal anyone? Now, this is a cool record. Mixing traditional Indian music and grooves, with heavy crunchy d-tuned riffage, rap, and aggressive vocals – this is a new and welcome sound for me.
Opening track Gaddaar just floors you with its intensity. Deep low end tuneage and a groove that slays. If you’re not impressed then you are a tired old Hector. Aaj is even better with hints of Nu Metal and Limp Bizkit, but a 1000 times better… and that groove is intense.
Zanjeero Se sees the band entering Prog metal territory like their compatriots Skyharbor, with a killer riff and the beauty of the vocal. I’m guessing they are big Slipknot fans because a lot of the grooves and beats are straight out of Iowa.
I like this album because it feels new, but if they are still doing this after album #10 then it could wear a bit thin.
8.5/10 from The Grooveman.