I know I say this quite a lot: “if these guys would have released this five years earlier…” but for these guys, it’s true. They could have given any hair band of the time a run for their money. This album has a killer production courtesy of Kansas Steve Walsh and somebody obviously believed in them, for a short while at least. You won’t find much written about these guys as they just disappeared after this album which came out in ’90.

The first two tracks Miracles and Hands Of Love are absolutely huge melodic gems, and you will struggle to find a better opening than this within the genre. Great hooks and choruses, a huge sound you just have to sing a long. It’s The Same has a different vibe starting with a rockin’ country blues groove, then when the big guitar kicks in that little bit of funk is the cherry on the top. Nice acoustic intro to Troubled Child before we settle down to a four to floor kick ass rocker and this is my favourite song on the record. Great tune! What’s On Your Mind closes out Side 1 and we’ve finally reached the ballad. We’re talking Journey quality ballad with big solo as well.

Over to Side 2 with One And Only, and it’s back to the rock with a killer choppy riff and matching groove with a great swing. The middle eight is superb! Rainbow follows and the Bon Jovi vibes are huge here with this big power ballad. A nice fat riff greets your ears at the intro to Skintight. A definite Friday night party tune with a chorus that will stick in your head for days. Another killer riff opens Sexy Ride. I love the groove and swing to this one, not your normal 4×4. Killer playing as well! The album closes out with Last Call (For Alcohol) a straight up fun time groover.

I can guarantee that they are the best hair band you’ve never heard of, and you should track a copy of this album down.

10/10 from The Grooveman.