Now I love the premiss and the idea behind Black Country Communion. A modern day hard rockin’ band in the tradition of Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple is a great concept on paper. I mean, you have a son of one and a member of the other in the band, how close can you get?

However, I think this will be their last album as there is not one song here that you think “WOW, what a killer tune,” and maybe the well of ideas has run dry. Sure, it’s a decent enough album but it lacks that big moment. The only song that I really like is Red Sun and that feels a bit like a Glenn solo track. It has a nice deep riff and groove and a cool vocal from him.

I’ve played the album five times straight and it’s definitely their weakest record. If they are to carry on (which I doubt) they need to have some outside input with the writing, an injection of fresh ideas.

7.5/10 from The Grooveman.