There is something about Anthrax and the way they write tunes. They never forget that fans have to connect with the music, and that they should make them move – Anthrax always have that swing and groove to their music.
This album was released 8 years after its predecessor, and saw the return of Joey Belladonna on vocals. I do like the John Bush albums, but Anthrax with Joey is where it’s at for me. This was also the final album to feature Rob Caggiano on guitar before jumping ship to join Volbeat. You could be a cynic a say this was done only for money and for the profile lift of doing the Big 4 events.
I think this is a great comeback album for Joey, and there isn’t a bad tune on the whole album. Standout tracks are The Devil You Know, which has a superb hook and chorus and it riffs hard. Fight Em Till You Can’t which is pure old school Anthrax, where the thrash is still alive and well mixed with a killer riff and groove. In The End has to be one of the best things they have done, it has an epic build up and the middle is just huge! I defy you not to bounce to this one, and I love the way the song titles have been merged into the lyrics of Judas Priest.
This album sits loud and proud with classic Anthrax albums, and if you’re a fan, why don’t you own this already?
9.5/10 from The Grooveman.
Don’t even get me going on this album! I 100% agree with you, such a welcome return and who ever thought they could pull this off! Fantastic record. Tons of groove! Fight ‘Em and I’m Alive……. Killer!